Marco commented on the post, New Spray Deck (Pictures!) 8 years, 1 month ago
hey Matt nice work, did U made this on the base of the youtube raft? Helps that you have installed a zipper? I think about to intall one on my first black raft. Was it easier with the reachable innertubesection, or its not nesesary? I would prefer a removable cruiserspraydeck, not interest to go whitewater with selfmade. Looking forward of video…[Read more]
Marco replied to the topic Alternative sources for fabric and other materials in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years, 2 months ago
Hallo, I orderd first also an packraft-plan from matt, idea was buy fabric from extremtextile and made a raft. First start with the free seat and the tafetta TPU, terrible project. Orderd stronger material 270 den TPU from extremtextile in different collors to try, same result. Good thanks Matt startet with own precuted Kit 2, well heureka it…[Read more]
Matt (Admin) and
Marco are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago
Marco replied to the topic What plans/kits would you like to see next? in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years, 3 months ago
Hey matt cruiser spraydeck would be interesting, inflatable PFD would be also nice but there are plans for feather vest, combined with the seat free plan are there easy varietys. But the spraydeck, now how to fix the velcro on the not heated tupepieces on groundflor, like alpackas version. I did try to stick ones on my first raft, but dosen’t well…[Read more]